lighting 102 first assignment


As I mentioned earlier, I've been following along with the Lighting 102 class on Strobist.

The first assignment was deceptively simple--shoot a kitchen utensil using the lighting style of your choice.

David (the author of the blog) has taken particular care in teaching about specular highlights on reflective surfaces. The key teaching point is that reflective objects actually show you a reflection of the lighting source itself, not just the light that is thrown at them. This seems obvious at first, but once you start realizing the implications, you really see how much control you can have over what the light looks like.

The image above was created by reflecting two flashes with different colored gels off different sides of my apartment walls and ceiling. Each blade is a different color because it reflects what it sees from either side of the apartment, each side lit with different colors.

You can see other entries for the assignment here. One of my favorites showing this same concept is here.

Here's the setup shot (and our messy apartment)


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